Even though the Medicare Open Enrollment period ended December 7th, it’s still a good idea to familiarize yourself your Medicare plan and examine what your insurer offers. It’s pretty important because insurers change their plans every year and in 2014 you may not get the same benefits you received in 2013.
It’s also essential to take a look at your Part D prescription drug plan to see if your medications will still be covered in 2014.

Insurers and Medicare use the jargony word “formulary” to describe the list of drugs they cover. So it’s a good idea to review your insurer’s formulary to learn if it will continue to cover what you need.
You might find that your insurer changed the rules about what it will cover. The 2014 plan may require you to do what they call “step therapy.” That means you’ll have to use another drug, or a generic medication and monitor its effectiveness before the insurer will approve the medication that your doctor prescribed.
It’s possible that other rules may have changed. For example, in 2014 you may need prior approval for a visit to a specialist or for a procedure. These are things that you want to discover.
The Google Hangout we hosted with the Medicare Rights Center, the Center for Medicare Advocacy and the National Council on Agency offers an in-depth discussion about a range of Medicare topics.
How I Found the Right Medicare Part D Plan
Medicare Basics for Boomers and Everyone
Great public service by ConsumerMojo.com Keep up the good work, Barbara.
Thank you Sam!