Finis Jhung’s Kitchen Sink Stretch.


updated October 16, 2020 

Finis Jhung’s kitchen sink stretch offers a prescription for staying healthy. When we made this video three years ago, Finis demonstrated and explained that it’s part of his routine. He wakes up every morning, spends time in mediation and prayer and then stretches. “I stretch every part of my body,” he told ConsumerMojo. 

The renowned ballet teacher thinks all of us can benefit from a good basic stretch, especially people over 65. He demonstrates a stretch that you can do at home in your kitchen. You don’t need any special props, or tools.

All you need is the kitchen sink. But you want to make sure to ask your doctor or health professional if this is okay for you to try.

Finis Jhung’s Kitchen Sink Stretch

1. Grip the edge of your sink and hold on tight. You want to make sure you don’t slip.

2. Stand with your feet planted hip width apart about two feet away from the sink.

3. Pull your belly in and push all the way back. Keep your arms straight.

4. Keep your head down, in neutral, as though you are floating in water.

5. Hold for a count of 15-30.

6. Keep your head down. Tilt your pelvis forward. Push in with your stomach. Press down into the floor.

7. Bend your knees. Keep your arms straight and push up while you press your feet down.

8. Stand slowly.

9. Now you want to go the other way.

10. Pull your stomach in.

11. Look up. Be careful if you have neck problems. (Ask your doctor if you can do this,)

12. Lean into the sink. Arms bent. Shoulders down.

13. Arch your back.

Be careful if you have lower back problems. (Ask your doctor if you can do this.)

14. Don’t go too far.

Then you can stand up straight and Finis says, “You feel a lot taller.”

←Previous The full Finus Jhung video is here. You can learn more about his stretches from his videos that demonstrate simple stretching routines. He also produced a successful line of videos for dance teachers and aspiring dancers. Watch more in our Living! Get Some Inspiration Series.